DEBESMSCAT participates in the Mandaon Pamasayan Festival Grand Parade.

March 1, 2024,–The DEBESMSCAT officials, personnel and students actively participated in the Mandaon Pamasayan Festival Grand Parade last March 1, 2024, to show support and commitment to the LGU and Mandaon community. By actively participating in a significant local event, the college strengthens its bond with the community, fostering pride and unity among the locals and the academe.

bicol masbate suc pamasayan festival

Moreover, the grand parade serves as a venue to showcase the musical skills and colorful choreographies of the college’s newly-revived Marching Band.
The participation of the newly formed marching band of the institution in the Pamasayan Festival Grand Parade was indeed a significant addition to the event, as it strutted in the streets of Mandaon with its lovely music and eye-catching exhibitions. The band’s involvement in the parade serves as a testament to DEBESMSCAT’s dedication to nurturing creativity and meaningful collaboration in the community.

bicol masbate suc pamasayan festival